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Detectors list

Detectors list

Model Status Shows the current model status.
Last Timestamp Processed Last time the model has processed data.
Menu Brings one to the model main menu.
Close Displayed Tab This button will close all open tabs, except for Menu, Variables and Rules.
Alarm Type Describes the type of the alarm that can be detected by the detector.
Detector Key The variable which identifies the detector.
Active Activate the status of the detector.
Delay Before Trigger Number of minutes to wait before the alarm goes from pending to active.
Delay After Operation Change Number of minutes to wait before activating the detector.
Delay After Last Event Close The minimum time that should be waited before starting a new alarm after the last one was closed.
Notification Policy The type of event that will be used to notify the user.Options are: once an hour, once a day, or none.
Filter Detectors By Variables Enable to filter that list according to variables.
Activate Filter By Variable Names Enables to filter the detecors list according to detectors names.
Filter Detectors By Type Enables to filter the detecors list according to detectors type.
Detectors List Drop down menu containing the relevat detectors.
Show Only Active Alerts Filters the results to show only active detectors.
Show learning results

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