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Model variables

Model variables

Model Status Shows the current model status.
Last Timestamp Processed timestamp of the last processed data.
Menu Dsiplays the model's main menu.
Close Displayed Tab Closes all open tabs, except for Menu, Variables and Rules.
Var Name Name of the variable in the model data table.
Units Units of the selected variable.
Role Role of the selected variable, which can be data,operational of none.
Active An in dication if the variable is active. value can be On or Off.
Format format of the displayed value of the variable.
User Low Regulation limits for the low level for the variable.
User High Regulation limits for the high level for the variable.
Average Avarage value of this variable in the history of records which are within the low and high regulations limits.
STD Standart diviation of the selected variable which are within the low and high regulations limits.
Median Median for the selected variable for records which are within the low and high user limits.
Stat Low Statistical low boundary for the variable for the selected significance level for records which are within the boundary of the of the user low and user high
Stat High Statistical high boundary for the variable for the selected significance level for records which are within the boundary of the of the user low and user high
Interval The minimum value for significant change for the variable.
Round Sets the number of digits after decimal point.
Data Low Lowest value measured for this variable.
Data High Highest value measured for this variable.

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