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Similarity table

Similarity table

Model Status Shows the current model status.
Last Timestamp Processed Last time the model has processed data.
Menu Brings one to the model main menu.
Close Displayed Tab This button will close all open tabs, except for Menu, Variables and Rules.
Total Rows Total rows is the total number of rows in the similarity table.
Total Records Total records in the model data table.
Filtered records Total amount of records which describe the valid data.
Display Order Sets the order by which the simularity tables are displayed.
CL An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
TU An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
pH An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
CO An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
TOC An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
UV An example of a similarity quality variable which is used for records combination.
Similarity Similarity is the number of records for each combination.
Relative Similarity Similarity normalized to value between 0 and 1 when 1 is the highest value.
Topology A value between 0 and 1 which describes the quality of water. Value of 1 describes the best water quality. Value of 0 describes the worst water quality.
Filter table view Enables to set a condition to filter the rules displayed in the table.
Uncertainity index The amount of cells in the similarity table which cannot be determine automaticlly by the algorithem whether this combination is good or bad.the lower this value is, the better.
Stability index A number between 0 and 1. the highest this number is ,the better. this number describes possible changes in the table of similarity in case we drop one of the variables.
Critical values The values which are used to determine between common and rare combinations.

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